Status changed: Draft to Pending.
Pull the baseboard in the bathroom to expose the drywall (may save baseboard unless damaged & customer wants it replaced).
Pull the baseboard in the bathroom to expose the drywall (may save baseboard unless damaged & customer wants it replaced).
Cut drywall where the baseboard was to open & expose – have to see if there’s any growth, (this is an explorative estimate only)
Clean floor and 2×4, if there’s growth on them
If there’s nothing behind drywall we’ll put new drywall in its place
Reinstall baseboard making sure that there’s no nails showing
Please take a chance to review your estimate and click accept. For payments over $1000.00, we require 50% of the payment. The price is subject to change if scope of work increases.
We expect payments upon the completion of the job. There will be a 3% interest charge per month on late invoices.
Status changed: Draft to Pending.
Estimate viewed by Denice McGee (Denice.M) for the first time.
Estimate updated by Denice.M.
Estimate updated by Denice.M.
Estimate viewed by for the first time.
Estimate viewed by for the first time.
Estimate viewed by for the first time.
Estimate viewed by for the first time.
Estimate viewed by for the first time.
Estimate viewed by for the first time.