Status changed: Draft to Pending.
Removal of flooring in guest bathroom and installation of same material if found. (This price includes the same flooring if found)
Removal of flooring in guest bathroom and installation of same material if found. (This price includes the same flooring if found)
Fix silicone around the guest bathroom to reassure that no water will exit the shower onto the floor. (May include the removal of some old silicone)
Removal and Reinstall of baseboard in guest bathroom (Includes paint touchup and caulking)
Removal and reinstall of toilet in guest bathroom.
Please take a chance to review your estimate and click accept. For payments over $1000.00, we require 50% of the payment. The price is subject to change if scope of work increases.
We expect payments upon the completion of the job. There will be a 3% interest charge per month on late invoices.
Status changed: Draft to Pending.
Estimate viewed by for the first time.