Status changed: Pending to Draft.
Demo tile shower down to studs. (Includes hauling away all debris)
Demo tile shower down to studs. (Includes hauling away all debris)
Rebuild tile shower and walls that currently have tile on the outside of the shower with client tile preference (Includes choice of fixtures for shower and grout color selection from client. We will use current door, price will increase with other types of a door. This is priced for a similar style of tiles, not the color but style. If there are changes we can discuss the pricing as well)
Remediation of mold on under the house and any potentially under the shower. (Treat with anti-microbial agent that reassures all growth is effectively handled)
Please take a chance to review your estimate and click accept. For payments over $1000.00, we require 50% of the payment. The price is subject to change if scope of work increases.
We expect payments upon the completion of the job. There will be a 3% interest charge per month on late invoices.
Select your payment amount below.
Please select your payment type and enter your payment information to pay this invoice. A receipt for your records will be sent to you. Thank you very much!
Status changed: Pending to Draft.
Status changed: Draft to Pending.
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Invoice viewed by for the first time.
Invoice viewed by for the first time.
Invoice viewed by for the first time.
Invoice viewed by for the first time.
Invoice viewed by for the first time.
Invoice viewed by for the first time.
Invoice viewed by for the first time.
Invoice viewed by for the first time.
Invoice viewed by for the first time.